Application Modernization: Explained

Sanket Jain 3rd March 2022 - 4 mins read

As we all know, the field of Information and Technology is constantly undergoing evolution and is changing the shape of business in India. An application that seems new today might not be the same after some time. However, organizations can't develop a new application to meet modern needs. IT companies that depend on legacy applications often encounter hurdles like compatibility issues, undesired maintenance costs, etc. This is where modernizing applications or migrating to the cloud becomes important.

What is Application Modernization?

Application modernization updates older software for newer computing approaches, languages, frameworks, and infrastructure platforms. Modernization enables organizations to realize the much-needed flexibility and agility to address imperative business requirements and future opportunities.

Importance and Need of Application Modernization

Most companies have significant investment in their existing applications from both financial and operational standpoints. Returning these legacy applications and starting over again proves costly and has other issues. Therefore application modernization is the most effective way for many enterprises to realize the advantage of newer software platforms, tools, architectures, and frameworks. Application modernization helps organizations make the most of digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and the Cloud. It enables you to build an IT ecosystem based on the current market and have a flexible foundation needed for future innovations.

How to modernize applications on Cloud

When people discuss the modernization of applications, they refer to migrating traditional applications to run in modern cloud environments. They include public and private cloud platforms and hybrid cloud platforms (public and private cloud platforms integrated with the on-premises environment). Processes used for application modernization are as follows:

  • Lift and Shift: This method is also known as Rehosting. An existing application had moved from a legacy environment to a public cloud platform. In this, you are essentially moving the application as it is with little or no change to the core architecture.
  • Refactoring: This means taking a legacy application and retooling significant chunks of its underlying code to make it run efficiently in a cloud infrastructure.
  • Rearchitect: Rearchitecting apps entails significantly changing the code to move it to new application architecture and utilizing the most modern and improved technological advancements.
  • Rewrite: With this process, portions of the programs are entirely rewritten while the original scope and standards are maintained.

Technologies used for Application Modernization

The technology you use to modernize your apps must be carefully considered since it will have a long-term influence on the business.The following are a few efficient application modernization technologies used:

  • Cloud Native Services: Modernizing cloud-native apps requires restructuring the workforce and developing cloud-friendly systems which improve operations and productivity.
  • Containerisation: Containers, a cloud-centric methodology, can package, deploy, and run apps and workloads. Containerization offers more flexibility, scalability, and efficiency, which makes it perfect for cloud infrastructure.
  • Serverless: Serverless solutions enable affordable provision of microservices. This software delivery method handles all infrastructure-related decisions by the cloud provider.
  • Microservices: By dividing extensive, monolithic services into smaller systems, workflows can be accelerated, improving flexibility. Instead of using the old, unreliable apps, businesses can use several new, updated ones.

Legacy Application Modernization Trend

Moving licensed software and databases to public and hybrid cloud migration service is an ongoing trend in application modernization that aims to minimize costs while maximizing flexibility, availability, and other advantages.

Benefits of Application Modernization

  • Improved flexibility, efficiency, and agility
  • Enhanced security
  • Improved customer experience
  • Reduced costs and increase in revenue systems
  • Ability to create new features and services


Application modernization reduces the resources to run an application, increases its deployment reliability, and improves its resiliency. As a result, application modernization is a common feature in an enterprise's digital transformation.

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