Client 63 Moon
Project 63 Moon
Platform Web

Key Requirement

Building a financial market place which should be completely cloud native.Being a new concept, it required faster go-to-market and iterative releases for faster customer feedback loops. Building the core services, framework and architecture with quicker turnaround by leveraging external help. Deploy a DevOps practice which would align with the development and deployment philosophy required to build operate and maintain these systems.

Major Challenges:

Services based extensible and highly available platform No team collaboration tool for Agile environment Monitoring and debugging requests across all microservices Manual release process from Dev till Production

Client Profile

63 moons technologies limited (formerly Financial Technologies (India) Ltd.) is a world leader in providing next-generation technology ventures, innovations, platforms, and solutions for creating digital markets and marketplaces that enable price discovery and transaction efficiencies across industry segments. Their focus has always been towards providing technology solutions, building user-friendly financial platforms, and creating digital marketplaces in India and abroad, thus taking India to the international markets.

Flentas helped define and implement overall DevOps processes:

GitLab was setup as a central code repository on-premise for versioning of code (Codebase cannot go out of premise due to some internal policy) Jenkins was setup along with GitLab (on-premise) for automating the dependency building of backend libraries (micro service binaries) Jenkins deployed on-premise was used to orchestrate the entire release pipeline for every code push o Separate pipelines were created which triggered auto build and deployments for different environments (Dev, QA and Production) respective to git branches (Git Flow) Every new feature has to flow through QA environment via Pull/Merge request and review by respective Quality team Jenkins was also configured with SonarQube for automatic code security analysis during build time AWS Account Level configurations was monitored using AWS Config Recording and compliance rules Use of AWS CloudFormation for auto provisioning of dedicated tenant AWS infrastructure AWS CloudWatch Dashboard was setup for Eagles Eye View on Infrastructure Resources with appropriate Alarms Every API request was logged / monitored using AWS CloudTrail Every API request contained trace id which is a unique id (UUID) across the system used for traceability of each request such that troubleshooting and debugging can be done per request across all the micro-services

Outcome of the Project

Better Collaboration Developers, Testers, and Operations teams collaborate more effectively and transparently by being a part of the same automated release process.
Improved time to release Increased frequency of releases which accelerated product improvement at a faster pace.
Successful migration to Microservices Shift from Monolithic to Microservices approach increased maintainability and separation of concerns
Enabled Automatic release Automatic release and deployments reduced human errors and increased reliability
Timely Alarms in case of any anomalies Automatic static analysis of code which ensures lesser vulnerabilities in the Application

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